tisdag 24 april 2012

TaskMaster for BlackBerry smartphones on sale this weekend only for 85% off

Awhile back we reviewed TaskMaster by S4BB, which helps you never miss another appointment or deadline by eliminating unnecessary steps when creating and managing your tasks. While many of us prefer the BlackBerry task application sometimes it just doesn't have all the features we need to help us stay organized. That's why TaskMaster integrates with the native app and takes things up a notch by adding various features such as multiple category support, the ability to add tasks from other applications (Calendar, Browser, Messages and Address Book) and desktop synchronization. Features Multi-Category Support. Separate Task Reminders. Customizable hot keys. FAST one click category switching. Full featured task support: due dates, priorities, notes, status, etc. Synchronizes with Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Notes, Act!, Novell Groupwise, iCal, Entourage, and more. 100% compatible with internal BlackBerry� Task Application and NextAction!. Enhanced for implementing GTD� (Getting Things Done). The one thing though about this productivity app was its hefty $9.99 price tag. S4BB though has decided to place TaskMaster on sale for 85% off which brings down the price to $.99. If you've been meaning to purchase this app but were put off by the amount then be sure to head on over to BlackBerry App World while it's still on sale. The price will revert back to normal on Monday. It's available for most BlackBerry devices running OS 4.2 and higher. More information/download of Taskmaster� CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. TaskMaster for BlackBerry smartphones on sale this weekend only for 85% off

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