lördag 29 december 2012

RIM sells off NewBay for $55.5 million

� Rumors were floating around�as far back as August that RIM was looking to unload NewBay, the digital content company�they acquired back in October�of last year. Today,�Synchronoss Technologies, a company that provides mobile content management solutions for connected devices, announced that they have snagged up the RIM subsidiary for the sum of $55.5 million in cash, about half of the $100 million RIM originally paid for NewBay. Of course this doesn't mean RIM is out of the cloud storage game, just that they have other solutions in mind -- so don't worry too much. Read on for the full press release and hit up the forums for more discussion. Discuss more in the forums read moreCrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. RIM sells off NewBay for $55.5 million

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