tisdag 28 februari 2012

RIM and TAT demo BlackBerry PlayBook wireless document sharing at Mobile World Congress

[ youtube video link for mobile viewing ] With Mobile World Congress now officially open to the masses, RIM has been showing off not only the unofficially announced DLNA portion of BlackBerry smartphones at their booth but also a brand new wireless file sharing concept app for the BlackBerry PlayBook designed by The Astonishing Tribe. By taking a couple of BlackBerry PlayBooks and sitting them beside each other, folks can share documents by essentially swiping them onto one another's screens. All in all, pretty awesome implementation for file sharing but of course the real question is -- when can we all have it? We've got some time set aside with RIM tomorrow, so we'll be getting a better look at all this functionality and hitting them with some one-on-one questions then. For now though, check out the video above. Discuss in the CrackBerry Forums Source: BBNews CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. RIM and TAT demo BlackBerry PlayBook wireless document sharing at Mobile World Congress

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