söndag 20 maj 2012

Mandatory ?big brother? black boxes leave drivers with privacy concerns

The United States Senate has already passed a bill that would require data-recording ?black boxes? to be equipped on every vehicle for the 2015 model year, and the House is also expected to approve the bill. The primary function of the black boxes, which are known as Electronic Data Recorders (EDRs), would be to ?capture and store data related to motor vehicle safety,? and access to the EDR?s information is only through an ?interoperable data access port.? Interestingly enough, EDRs are already found in almost 80% of all vehicles, including models from GM, Ford, Kia, Hyundai, and many others. Black boxes can record the date and time, along with engine speed, steering angle, throttle position, braking status, force of impact,

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