måndag 14 februari 2011

AT&T Clearance On iPad Accessories To Make Way For iPad 2?

All the rumors about an upcoming iPad 2 may just be validated with AT&T’s massive clearance on all current iPad accessories. The sale starts today and offers a whopping 50% off current iPad accessories to really clear out the inventory. Now isn’t that proof enough of an iPad 2 release just around the corner?

The iPad 2 is believed to hit Apple Stores no later than April, although no official announcements have been made yet. However, with the clearance going on so early, it’s possible that the iPad 2 may make its appearance even earlier than speculated.
This clearance also suggests that current accessories likely will not work with the next-generation iPad and makes us wonder just what form factor changes the iPad 2 will bring about. For current iPad owners with no plans to make the switch anytime soon, this is a good time to go shopping.
[Via Cult of Mac]
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