torsdag 24 februari 2011

AppVerse now live in the CrackBerry App Store! Delivers social interaction and features to aid in BlackBerry app discovery!!

One of the big deficiencies within mobile app store environments these days is the ability to meaningfully discover apps, games and themes that are going to be worthwhile for you. Best Sellers and Top Downloads lists do typically provide a good starting point for app discovery, but moving beyond that app stores tend to fall apart. Star ratings usually regress somewhere to the mean (that 3 star average that leaves you wondering whether you should or shouldn't download an app) and the comments left by anonymous users far too often provide little or no value (anybody notice all the spam and gibberish in App World these days?). Sum it up, and it's no wonder so many BlackBerry users check into a site like CrackBerry daily for advice and info on what apps to download. App discovery via the app store environment itself can be frustrating!

That all changes today with the rollout of AppVerse within the CrackBerry App Store. AppVerse delivers a really trusting and engaging app store experience, thanks to the layer of social interaction and features it adds. Should you choose to create your AppVerse account (it's not mandatory and you can shop in the CrackBerry App Store as you always have), you can setup your public profile which display app purchases you have made, along with reviews and ratings you provide (you can choose to hide apps as well and also have full control over privacy/notification settings from the My Account > AppVerse page). You can follow other AppVerse members, comment on their reviews and rate whether individual app reviews were helpful or not. You can also ask other AppVerse members to provide a review for any app you're interested in. This social interaction really ups the accountability of everybody in the app store, which delivers reviews that are REALLY HELPFUL. When you tap into the power of AppVerse, that frustration and uncertainty are gone. You can even review apps that are not available in our CrackBerry App Store (ie. it's in App World and not the CrackBerry App Store catalog yet).

It's still early days, so if you find any bugs or have any ideas for new features you'd like to see implemented, be sure to drop us a comment. We already have some more features planned for rollout in the weeks ahead, but take a browse around and you'll see it's already off to a great start. Not sure where to begin? Try checking out the AppVerse profiles of me and our other writers and forums moderators here on CrackBerry at the link below.

Check out AppVerse in the CrackBerry App Store
Follow CrackBerry Bloggers/Forums Moderators in AppVerse's feed sponsored by AppVerse now live in the CrackBerry App Store! Delivers social interaction and features to aid in BlackBerry app discovery!!

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