lördag 26 februari 2011

Details on BlackBerry Internet Service 4.0 leaked

The next progression in BIS-land is 4.0 and it looks like we have some good updates to look forward to. N4BB snagged a doc that shows off the upcoming features of the latest BIS. As usual it's not a ton of little upgrades, but rather a few mid-sized ones. Updates look to include:

Integration with BlackBerry ID (BBID)

Improved BIS End User Communications

Automatic Login improvements

Support for new service tiers

Google Calendar Improvements

No official date for release just yet but it doesn't seem like it would be too far off. Typically the rollout seems to happen over a few weeks to various carriers and we get no real word of a launch. Overall some pretty good stuff in this update. Hit the source link for more info.

Source: N4BB

CrackBerry.com's feed sponsored by ShopCrackBerry.com. Details on BlackBerry Internet Service 4.0 leaked

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