The Yocto Project, a working group of the Linux Foundation, is likely something most of you have never heard of. It's "an open source collaboration project that provides templates, tools and methods to help you create custom Linux-based systems for embedded products regardless of the hardware architecture." The Yocto Project has been compatible with OpenEmbedded, "the build framework for embedded Linux," and today comes the announcement that Yocto is aligning more closely with OpenEmbedded, including shared governance.
The Linux Foundation will continue to provide support and guidance to the newly merged efforts, and today's announcement comes with an impressive list of companies committed to the technology. It's no surprise that MontaVista Software, Texas Instruments and Intel are involved: they're established players in the embedded Linux world. But to see folks like Dell and LSI in the list is interesting, and says a lot about the health and success of Linux in embedded devices.
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